That right there is the story of my life, no? 😉 Those who know me will have said those words upon seeing this post’s title!

We are halfway through January. Two posts ago, I was telling you about the life changes going on and that we would move forward in a direction which, at the time, was unknown; today I am letting you all know that we have been back in our own home for nearly two weeks now! How’d that happen? As follows:

I got a job in November. I work for a major retailer (specialty though, not a grocery or supercenter) ; Ardeo had no job leads over the holidays, and since we came back to visit his parents for Christmas we started looking around here again. I talked to the manager of my company’s store here in town, and he said I could transfer as long as it was cool with the manager of my “old” store. Yeah! Score one in the ‘W’ column for us moving back!
Ardeo and FIL talked a bit during the visit, and we were told that there was a good chance of a driving position opening up in his company – across town, but still only a 15 minute drive in bad traffic and all red lights. With this prospect we decided that we would go ahead and look for housing here, since I knew I would be able to officially transfer here on the 13th (that being the first night I would work in this store).
We realized that this would give us a very small window in which to find a place to live, but we made it happen. Another small “window” we had for ourselves was to live within the bounds of the same schools for the kids, i.e. if they needed to catch a bus, it would take them to the same schools which they had attended before. Again, in another stroke of luck, I found a duplex in the right area for the right price! It is near the house we lived in for 7 years – we are really just three streets away from all our old neighbors, whom I loved! – and actually closer to the elementary school than before. We have found out that school for Miss Hurricane is but a 10 minute walk, and the bus stop for Mister Twister is a 5 minute walk. All this means to you reading is, we now live about halfway between the elementary school and our old house. 🙂

I really do love it here: this city, this little neighborhood, the school district, the closeness to necessities like grocers and gas stations, the people…. this place is the one that truly feels like home. It’s in my soul and my heart, and even if jobs take us to another place, home will always be here. I am blessed 🙂